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Preventing the Prevalence of Swelling

Most farmers do not know that they are camping around their fields and pans, who help them in some form or the other. These are the species of owl species which can be seen only in the night. It does not allow anyone to know when and where they are coming and going. These beautiful parades are now in danger due to the superstitious and unstressed nature of the people, because of their superstitions, people are ruthlessly killing them.

Priyanka Chopra

On arrival of religious festivals, the potters or the hunters become more active by catching different species of vultures and selling them at high prices to those who sell high prices, baba-tumts, tantrikas, fists, black magic and sorcery. These superstitious greedy people ruthlessly kill these beautiful birds in their longing for happiness, prosperity and greed for wealth, in their desire to fulfill their desires. Because of this superstition many times they leave them blind or they are buried alive in the ground. Indian eagle-owls, barn-owls, daski eagle owls, brown fox owls are comparatively more caught and killed. But they do not know that killing these birds not only destroys the natural equilibrium but also the different types of dietary trenches present in the ecosystem are damaged and there are many types of deadly and dangerous diseases.

Rats or rodents cause heavy damage to farmers' crops every year. With this tremendous fertility, their population increases rapidly every year, every year. Which causes more damage to crops. Owls are vicious and skilled hunter spheres and they reach there soon where there is an abundance of rats and mice. They hunt them with a blink of time, due to which their population is controlled. In addition to mice, snakes, lizards and rabbits, pests and moths also keep their population under control due to the food of the birds, due to which there is not only the balance of biodiversity in the environment but also the loss of crops by pests. it happens.


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